Excitement in the Ridgewood Public Library’s robotics session

Our robotics session in Ridgewood Public Library was a huge success. We were off to a great start on Tuesday, where over 20 kids came and enjoyed learning about robotics. All of us started by introducing ourselves, splitting up into 6 groups (who would later compete against each other), and learning what exactly a robot is (a robot senses, thinks, and acts). Next, each group proceeded to build our first robot. How amazing! By the time the session ended, the kids were playing with their first – and finished – robot.

Ridgewood Library Summer 2015

Kids following instructions for their first robots.


Kids playing with their robot.

Wednesday pushed their skills further by digging deep into programming. We had the kids’ robots move around a box, and later as enrichment, kids would attempt to program the robot to loop in a figure 8. The next day, we guided everyone on figure eights, and later, taught them about attachments. In the first week (just 3 days, or 6 hours), kids had already created their first robots that could perform a variety of missions, such as grabbing loops.
The next week made this really fun. Each of the EV3 sensors were introduced on Tuesday, completing our first robot. Kids had built and programmed robots to grab bottles and retrieve them. Wednesday started off with challenges to avoid walls and stay in a black ring, and the kids responded with flying colors.

Introduction to a challenge: grabbing a water bottle

Introduction to a challenge: grabbing a water bottle

Building a grabber for the robot to grab water bottles

Building a grabber for the robot to grab water bottles

Finally, came the final activity of our session: BattleBots. Each group built and programmed a robot that would battle the others. Throughout the end of Wednesday and the beginning of Thursday, the sound of anticipation and LEGO pieces were heard throughout the entire auditorium.

Showing off their robot!

Showing off their robot!

Preparation for a BattleBots challenge.

Preparation for a BattleBots challenge.

Adding armor to a BattleBot.

Adding armor to a BattleBot.

Finished BattleBots and the kids behind them.

Finished BattleBots and the kids behind them.

Competitions took place on the last day (Thursday) and they were definitely a blast! Fun filled the air as countless robots battled other groups. The winners got 3D printed trophies.

In the end, we had huge success: each kid was proud of what she or he had accomplished: they built a robot, programmed it, upgraded it, and eventually, had it battle.

The kids of the 2015 Ridgewood Public Library robotics session

The kids of the 2015 Ridgewood Public Library robotics session

Looking for workshop resources? They’re here: http://kids2kids.club/workshops/ridgewood-library-summer-2015/