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Academy After Hours Update
Just a brief update on how we’re doing with the AAH LEGO Robotics program! We’ve finished basic building and programming, and we’re moving into sensors. In one of our previous challenges, we’ve seen some innovative designs, like a cage to capture a loop that was built to fit perfectly around it. Next week, we’re looking […]

Our second Annual FIRST Lego League Coach Training Session
Since 2014, Kids2Kids has organized FIRST Lego League (FLL) annual coach training seminars during the summer. Two FLL teams’ coaches have joined this year’s coach training efforts. HIPE team coach Jingru Wang talked about FIRST, FLL’s history, and how much effort is needed. The coach of George Washington Middle School STEM Club team Jenny Li presented […]

Fast advancement at our JEI Robotics Program
Beginnings Our first robotics program in JEI Academy started out on Monday with the kids building their first robots. They started out with a brief overview of what each piece of the robotics set was made out of. Afterwards, they chose which robot to build, and off they went – their first foray into robotics for […]

Excitement in the Ridgewood Public Library’s robotics session
Our robotics session in Ridgewood Public Library was a huge success. We were off to a great start on Tuesday, where over 20 kids came and enjoyed learning about robotics. All of us started by introducing ourselves, splitting up into 6 groups (who would later compete against each other), and learning what exactly a robot […]